A project is only finished after there is a party!

This was once said to me about all good projects, and the Pokeno substation was no different. “Throughout my career I have been fortunate to take my family to see several of the projects I have been involved in” says Steve Gaskin, Ergo’s Project Manager and Head of the Civil & Structural Department. The Pokeno substation project was no exception. With such a great opportunity, many of the Ergo team took their families to see what they spend their weeks, months and even years toiling over. Substations are a significant part our power infrastructure not often seen by the public.

The Pokeno project was an eighteen-month endeavour by Counites Power to get a 110kV substation designed, consented, constructed and commissioned. A tight time scale that was driven by commercial development deadlines in South Auckland. And one that was achieved thanks to a great effort by everyone involved.

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Ergo Partners with EECA To Develop the RETA Map
Triton Substation 33/11kV Upgrade