Quality Asset Data helps Good Decision Making

For infrastructure companies managing a diverse and geographically spread asset base, having accurate asset information is essential from a financial, operational and long-term planning perspective. Reliable data means decisions can be made without having to visit site and view the assets, which has significant benefits from a safety, cost and time perspective. It also helps to apply consistent decision making across asset fleets, ensuring resources (money, people and time) are allocated in order of priority. Obtaining and maintaining this data is a significant investment and it’s important asset managers strike the right balance between accuracy, detail, and cost.

Ergo has recently been engaged by Powerco to support their as-building process into ArcGIS and SAP. We have a team of GIS / SAP Asset Data Technicians taking mostly paper based as-built information and completing the asset lifecyle in Powerco’s integrated asset management system. The lifecycle process includes creating, updating and removing asset data related to equipment represented in SAP and or ArcGIS as it is in the field, while maintaining the electrical connectivity model. The end result assists Powerco in knowing what, where and how their electrical network is connected.

This project has helped Ergo develop further capability in this space and we are well placed to support electrical utilities in areas such as:

  • Supporting the creation and updating of asset information into systems
  • Developing standards and processes for the collection and input of data into systems
  • Providing capability outside of the BAU environment for tasks such as:
    • Testing of new or changed systems / processes
    • Legacy data remediation and updating
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